Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the most frequently asked questions about the Eddie Jones project. This FAQs list will continue to grow as we progress through the City review and approval process. Please email us if you have additional questions to add to this list.


This plan is inappropriate for a residential neighborhood. Why do you think this is compatible?

The project site is within the city’s industrial core, immediately adjacent to the Airport. The project is consistent with the property's long time Industrial Zoning and with the Airport Expansion Master Plan. San Luis Rey Bike Trail and the river itself create a distinct separation from the residential uses north of the City of Oceanside’s industrial core and Municipal Airport. The preservation of industrial land is a key objective outlined within the City’s Economic Development Element so a goal of ours is to align with this policy, while also being context-sensitive and considerate of the site’s constraints, which includes the views of adjacent residences.

Have you considered other uses for the property? What about sports fields or a trampoline park? 

We are not pursuing a General Plan Amendment or zone change so we have not considered any uses that would be outside the site's existing land use designation. Sports fields would not be allowed with the site's existing zoning. A trampoline park would be allowed. We are still more than a year away from identifying tenants. 

How do you see this project impacting property values?

These 31 acres have been used for industrial purposes for decades – so we don’t anticipate a shift in community character. RPG has developed similar facilities within similar contexts and has not seen a decrease in the surrounding area due to the quality of the buildings they develop. We took special consideration during the design process to be mindful of the residences to the north by making sure the height of the new facility wouldn’t change their views, and adding more green screening and landscaping than what is currently there.


What other opportunities will there be for us to speak directly with the developer/project team?

Members of the project team are available for one on one and small group meetings. We’ll also be hosting an additional in person meeting for interested parties to come and learn more. Click here to get in touch.

What's happening on site now? 

As mentioned during the 1/17/23 community meeting, the former dilapidated warehouse that was on site had issues with vandalism and homeless encampments. It has since been demolished and soil remediation for contamination caused by the former use is slated to begin in spring 2024. We have contracted with the police department and brought in private security to patrol the area and keep people off the property.

Do you have a planned tenant type for this project?

No. It is too soon to have a prospect list. Tenants will not sign a lease or letter of intent with out a projected move in date. However, a tenant like Thermo Fisher Scientific is on our wish list. 

Is this Amazon? 

No tenants have been identified for the project. However, the project is not consistent with Amazon’s distribution center specifications. Further, it has been reported recently that Amazon is scaling back on its warehouse locations. These two factors make it highly unlikely this space would be leased to Amazon. 

If you don't know who the tenants will be, how can you accurately predict traffic? 

The traffic study uses data that has been collected over time from a variety of like uses. These standards provide an objective framework for analyzing anticipated trip generation. 

What is the project timeline?  

Public circulation of the draft Environmental Impact Report began on October 26, 2023. A public hearing at the Oceanside Planning Commission would take place in fall 2024. This slight delay from what was originally shared with the community is due to project modifications made following the Jan. 17, 2023 community meeting. If approved, construction would begin in 2025. 

What approvals are you seeking? 

The project is seeking a Conditional Use Permit. This is customary in Oceanside for all facilities larger than 50,000 sq. ft. The project is consistent with the site’s existing Light Industrial zoning


Is there any correlation between the airport and the Eddie Jones Industrial project? 

No. The Airport Expansion Master Plan predates this project. The project is consistent with current ALUP requirements and future expansion plans. The project is not affiliated with the airport so no additional airport traffic is projected for personnel or materials. 

How does this project comply with San Diego County’s Airport Land Use Commission Policies? 

An FAA “No Hazard Determination” review is still in process. This is required before the project can be submitted to the SD County ALUC. However, the proposed industrial use is permitted under the ALUP. The project is designed to comply with all Oceanside Airport Land Use Plan (ALUP) safety zones and height requirements. 

Additional design considerations include:

  • Building placement – sited further north than otherwise would have been to be outside glide path;

  • Staggered building height keep away from levy and residents and still comply;

  • Landscape design at end of runway in compliance with FAA restrictions. 

What measures have been taken  to ensure this project would not adversEly impact the San Luis Rey River and surrounding habitat? 

The project maintains the 50-foot biological buffer and 50-foot planning buffer as required from the edge of the San Luis Rey River riparian habitat. The buffer area is adjacent to the San Luis Rey River Trail embankment and is designated to be replanted with native coastal species.

A biology report was completed as part of the CEQA process to identify possible impacts on surrounding habitat and sensitive species.

How do you plan to protect the San Luis Rey River from hazardous runoff generated by the project’s trucks? 

Storm water runoff is highly regulated in California; a site can have no untreated storm water runoff. A hydraulics and hydrology report has been prepared for the project in addition to a Drainage report and a Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) that the project would be required to incorporate as part of a condition of approval. The SWQMP includes Best Management Practices (BMPs), like landscaping areas and underground detention vaults, to treat and clean storm water. Once treated, stormwater would be released into the City's drainage infrastructre. Compliance with these plans is mandatory and monitored by regulatory agencies. 

With these measures, storm water from the site will be treated, resulting in cleaner runoff than today. 


Do your studies take the other large developments in the area? 

Yes - Twelve projects, including Ocean KAMP, were analyzed as part of the cumulative impacts within the Environmental Impact Report. 

How will the increased traffic impact Oceanside's master bike plan on Benet?

Benet already has Class 2 bike lanes so it will not impact the Master Bike plan. The project also provides the missing link of sidewalk on Benet to improve pedestrian access. 

What other traffic mitigation is being done besides the sidewalk on eastside and trees? 

The project does not meet City standards to require a traffic signal at the project entrance. The project doesn't generate enough trips on its own to trigger immediate action. 

Are any improvements planned for the Benet/SR76 intersection? 

The project contributes to a fund that will improve that intersection in the future. The project doesn't generate enough trips on its own to trigger immediate action. 

When was the traffic study conducted? 

The traffic study was conducted in October 2021. The complete traffic study will be available for review in the Draft EIR this fall. It is important to note, there were no stay at home orders in place at the time and school was in session. 

Are there plans to collect data again? 

Analysis isn’t solely based on this one metric, so there is no need to re-collect the data. The traffic counts are combined with objective industry standards which are collected over time. 

How many trucks will the warehouse add to current traffic in the neighborhood?

13 trucks are estimated during the morning peak hour and 9 trucks are estimated during the afternoon peak hour. 

How is the site accessed? 

There are two ingress and egress points for the site: Benet and Foussat Roads. All truck traffic will be directed to the Benet entrance. Employees will be able to choose between Benet of Foussat. 

Why are you using Benet and not the larger Foussat?

Benet is a Secondary Collector, which would allow it to be used for uses consistent with the surrounding area’s zoning. Benet has the capacity to accommodate the project based on objective metrics on road capacity.

Have you considered alternative routes? 

Alternative routes, like Airport Road, are not recommended because they are less efficient when accessed from SR-76. This indirect path of travel would result in more pollution. 

The development plan indicated trucks would be restricted to Benet. How will you restrict trucks from passing through the community?

The trucks that will be associated with this project would have no reason to proceed north on Benet past the project site into the neighborhood. However, we understand that members of the community view that segment of Benet as residential, so we’re exploring options to work with the City to formally restrict truck travel north of the bridge.

Will a dedicated right turn lane be added to Benet Road to avoid trucks blocking passenger vehicles? 

Yes, a a dedicated right turn lane has been added in response to community feedback.


Why do you have to build a flood wall? 

The site’s proximity to the River required that it be protected from the 100-year flood. The alternative to the flood wall was to raise the pad elevation out of the flood plain. This would have resulted in the building being situated higher up. We did not think this would be compatible with the surrounding community so we opted to construct the flood wall to reduce view impacts for the residential uses. 

Why is this building so big? 

The facility could actually be twice as large based on the current zoning and the size of the property. Maximizing the site to its fullest potential would not have been appropriate. Given the lack of industrial land available in Oceanside, the proposed project aims to strike a balance to meet the City need while also being sensitive to the site’s context. 


What are the hours of operation?

The hours of operation are determined by the tenant. An Operations Management Plan will be prepared for each tenant that will include business operation details, hours of operation, security protocol, and property maintenance. It will also include a “good neighbor policy” detailing delivery vehicle schedules, truck haul routes, noise mitigation, best management practices, and protocol to address any concerns from neighboring property owners or tenants. 

Who will be responsible for maintaining the landscaping and parking lot once the building is completed?

RPG typically maintains its properties. There have been occasions where a tenant has asked for more control, but that is rare.